Our services

A simple, 100% Swiss solution
Because we believe that good hearing should be available to everyone, regardless of age, place of residence and budget. Our services
Access a premium online service Access a premium online service

Access a premium online service

The Auzen Guarantee
  • User-friendly A simple and all-inclusive service.
  • Customized A solution individually tailored to each customer.
  • From the comfort of home 100% online care in real time
  • Auzen expert Direct access to your dedicated expert in just one click.

Talk to our consultant and start your online hearing care

Our commitment

Hearing aids perfectly adapted to your needs

Our commitment

Because repeat appointments with a hearing aid professional can quickly become overwhelming, many patients give up wearing their hearing aids due to poorly adjusted settings and a lack of personalized follow-up.

By widening the appeal of online access to care and adjusting the settings, we offer each patient the opportunity to benefit from high-performance hearing aids and customized professional support.

At Auzen, we make sure that each of our customers receives 100% personalized support, including unlimited setting adjustments and consultations with your dedicated hearing aid professional.

Find out more about our online care

How we keep costs low

How we keep costs low

At Auzen, we cut costs by cutting our margins, not the quality of our service. We offer top-notch hearing aids at exceptional prices.

Our prices are competitive, with no hidden surprises..

  • Lower margins Innovative logistics and large volumes allow us to considerably reduce standard market margins.
  • Eliminating unnecessary costs We have successfully eliminated unnecessary costs by optimizing our sales process and providing our services exclusively online.
  • Centralized services By centralizing our services and removing the middlemen, we can offer a fair price without any hidden costs.

You don’t have hearing aids yet?

Discover our 2 all-inclusive product ranges

You already have hearing aids or plan to replace old devices?

Make an appointment

Tested and selected

for you by the Auzen laboratory

We have compared the best hearing aids on the market

In order to provide our customers with the best hearing aid technology, all of our devices are tested and approved by our hearing aid professionals.

With over 70 years’ experience in audiology in Switzerland, our team of experts has tested and compared more than 100 hearing aids available on the market.

Our quality approach has led us to select only products that scrupulously meet European standards and benefit from the most advanced technologies in hearing aids.

Discover our selection

Our practical selection criteria

  • Elegant and discreet
  • 100% rechargeable batteries
  • Settings are easily adjustable remotely

Our technical selection criteria

  • Bluetooth connectivity (TV, Phone)
  • Smart and efficient noise reduction
  • Optimized speech clarity in noise

The Auzen choice

Our selection of hearing aids

A selection of latest generation hearing aids combining elegance and discretion

Premium products, compliant with European standards.

Premium products, compliant with European standards.

The most advanced and innovative technologies in the industry.

The most advanced and innovative technologies in the industry.

Hearing aids designed by the four market leaders in the hearing aid industry.

Our technology partners

Our technology partners

Starkey Starkey
Since its creation in 1967, the brand has been investing in research and technology to help people who are hard of hearing unlock their true potential to live their lives to the fullest.
Phonak Phonak
Ever since it was founded in 1947 in Switzerland, Phonak has invested in research and technological innovation to develop high-quality hearing aids with unmatched precision and dependability.
Signia Signia
A pioneer in the miniaturization of hearing aids, Signia's partnership with the German brand Siemens has produced elegant hearing aids whose state-of-the-art technology creates a listening experience that most closely resembles natural hearing.
Widex Widex
Widex is a Danish digital technology pioneer that made it possible to remotely adjust hearing aid settings. The manufacturer's discreet, high-performance hearing aids are distributed in more than 100 countries worldwide.
Resound Resound
Since 1869, Resound has been pioneering technological solutions to improve the quality of life of the hearing impaired. This innovtive brand specializes in developing sound optimization solutions, including Jabra office and sports headsets.
Oticon Oticon
Founded in 1904 by Hans Demant, Oticon is a Danish brand of hearing aids that mimic the brain and provide access to a full and balanced sound stage. Oticon is a pioneer in connected objects with IFTTT technology, offering the user previously unavailable online solutions.